Whats Going Around

Historical Trend

Show Age Specific Line
Slide to see time trend in different age groups.
Slide to see time trend in different age groups.
Slide to see time trend in different age groups.
Slide to see time trend in different age groups.
Slide to see time trend in different age groups.
Slide to see time trend in different age groups.

Below BLUE line = LOW syndromic activity.

Above RED line = HIGH syndromic activity.

Age Specific Instances of syndrome.

Grey represents 95% confidence intervals.

How What's Going Around Works?

What’s Going Around’ (WGA) demonstrates a new way in which an Electronic Medical Record system can benefit providers and patients. We believe WGA is the first platform in the world to translate EMR-based data into up-to-date local epidemiological information, and provide this information to clinicians at the point-of-care, in a patient-specific manner.

Click here for full description.

Heat Map

Colors represent the proportion of all patients who tested positive over all patients tested at NorthShore. Areas with insufficient data for accurate estimates are not colored.

Dark Blue < 2.5%
Red >= 20.0%

Sample Maps
